Outdoor Spaces: A parklike garden in Buffalo's Parkside neighborhood

Buffalo News

By Susan Martin

When Pamela Rose talks about how she got into gardening, she recalls when a former landlord gave her a small, rectangular garden bed to plant. She was in her 20s and living in a rental apartment in the Village of Lancaster.

She planted red firecracker plants and purple petunias.

“It was pretty lame,” she said.

Wow, how that has changed. She and her husband, Joel, live in a Victorian home painted a wondrous shade of purple in the Parkside neighborhood. Their garden has been on the Tours of Open Gardens this month and is on Garden Walk Buffalo, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. July 30 and 31. (See below for details.)

The garden in the tour guides is described as a “miniature arboretum.”

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Audrey Clark