5 Loaves Farm Welcomes Neighbors Through the Lunenfeld Grant


5 Loaves Farm is a locally owned and operated farm dedicated to providing spiritual, economic, and educational resources, as well as healthy food, to its community.

5 Loaves Farm is a locally owned and operated farm dedicated to providing spiritual, economic, and educational resources, as well as healthy food, to its community. The farm’s founders wants the people of Buffalo to be able to afford healthy, fresh food that is grown locally.  They have a farm stand in the Elmwood Village Farmers Market and another one at the Buffalo Vineyard Church, and 80% of their program works with people who live, work, or worship on the West Side. 5 Loaves Farm has also been the recipient of numerous Garden Walk Buffalo Marvin Lunenfeld Beautification Grants.

I recently had the chance to speak to Matt Kauffman, the manager of 5 Loaves Farm, on the impact of the Lunenfeld Grant.

When I arrived at the farm, I was surprised. I grew up in Elma and, for those of you that don’t know that town, it is made up entirely of farms and is really in the country. In contrast, 5 Loaves is in the middle of the city, but it still feels like a real farm. Walking around there, I felt like I was in back in Elma. Sitting in the center of one of their fields, you would have no idea that there is a bustling city all around you.

5 Loaves Farm is a beautiful place and one of the truly unique stops on the upcoming Garden Walk. While it’s not the traditional garden that one will find in a residential yard or a park, the staff and volunteers have worked hard to make this functional farm one of the loveliest places in Buffalo.

While we talked, Matt pointed out that there are compelling parallels between the missions of Garden Walk Buffalo and 5 Loaves Farm. Both organizations strive to shine a light on the growth of our community. Garden Walk Buffalo and 5 Loaves Farm are growing Buffalo by growing crops and gardens.

This year, a substantial part of the work undertaken through the grant project was the  transformation of our city streets through the planting of African Marigolds along sidewalks adjacent to 5 Points’ lots. The African Marigold is an annual with  deep cultural significance to members of Buffalo’s immigrant population. Similarly, 5 Loaves has planted numerous crops with cultural significance to the immigrant community in order to promote a greater sense of home and belonging.

The Marvin Lunenfeld Beautification Grants are named for Garden Walk Buffalo founder Marvin Lunenfeld. We know that Marvin would be  proud to have people like Matt and the staff at 5 Loaves Farm working so hard to make Buffalo more beautiful and inclusive.

Garden Walk Buffalo is this weekend on July 28th and 29th from 10am -4pm. 5 Loaves Farm is located at 1172 West Ave - don’t miss it! Be sure to download a free map or pick up a free map at select sponsor locations which can be found at www.GardenWalkBuffalo.com .

The Lunenfeld Beautification Grants grants have distributed nearly $100,000 in micro grants to more than 100 projects in the city of Buffalo. You can help us build a more beautiful Buffalo by donating here: Build a More Beautiful Buffalo with Gardens Buffalo Niagara (click to view).

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