"We are": The mural at Market Square Garden and GBN Updates
Gardens Buffalo Niagara (GBN) attended BRRAlliance’s ribbon-cutting ceremony at the new Market Square Garden in October 2022, in the Black Rock neighborhood of Buffalo. A wonderful partner to GBN, BRRAlliance has been the force behind beautification and community-building efforts in Black Rock.
Mural at the Market Square Garden, by artist Chris Piontkowski (Photo courtesy of Beth Kreutzer)
The Murals Represent the Diverse Black Rock Community
The murals are by artist Chris Piontkowski (www.getchrisp.com), who is currently working on a second mural, as an addition to the original mural “We Are”. He shared with GBN about the meaning and inspiration behind his work:
“The original mural, ‘We Are’, is meant to represent the diverse Black Rock community. The flowers that were chosen are the national flower for the most common ethnic groups in Black Rock(azalea for Nepalese, poppy for Polish, flor de maga for Puerto Rican, padauk for Burmese, sunflower for Ukrainian, tulip for Hungarian). The idea was to represent those groups and unify them under one artwork, one neighborhood, and one community. The second piece that I’m currently working on…depicts monarch butterflies (recently added to the endangered species list), honey bees, and Buffalo native flowers such as black-eyed susan and purple cone flower. This mural ties together with the park restoration and the garden that was recently planted there. The garden will draw monarchs and honeybees and hopefully provide a sanctuary for them.”
GBN President Laurie Ousley at the Black Rock Market Square Garden Ribbon Cutting (Photo courtesy of Beth Kreutzer)
Recognition of GBN’s Marvin Lunenfeld Beautification Grants
The new garden Chris Piontkowski mentioned is partially funded by GBN’s Marvin Lunenfeld Beautification Grants. The grants program has provided more than $100,000 in grants for over 100 beautification projects by block clubs and community groups throughout the entire city of Buffalo (see the list of past grant recipients here). GBN received recognition from Joseph Golombek on behalf of the Buffalo City Common Council for the impact of our Marvin Lunenfeld Beautification Grants program.
GBN President Laurie Ousley accepting Citation from Buffalo City Common Council (Photo courtesy of Beth Kreutzer)
GBN’s New Officers and Board of Directors
Shortly after receiving the recognition from Buffalo City Common Council, GBN held its annual meeting on October 27, 2022. The new officers of GBN are Laurie Ousley, President and Acting Treasurer, Phil Collins, Vice President, and Beth Kreutzer, Secretary, and the board of directors includes Jim Charlier, Jo Ann Belliotti, Barbara Cavanagh, Yolanda Fields, Adam Ianni, Catherine Carr Lincoln, Lauren Newkirk Maynard, Samantha I. V. White, Ellen Goldstein and Sylvia Nealon.
Members of GBN Lunenfeld Beautification Grants Committee: Sharon Adler, Barbara Cavanagh, Laurie Ousley, Beth Kreutzer and Sarah Sutcliff at the ribbon cutting (Photo courtesy of Anne McCooey)
By Jay Jinge Hu, Lauren Newkirk Maynard, Laurie Ousley, GBN Volunteer Coordination Committee