What's growing on in Buffalo…

There have been plenty of garden tours and events canceled this summer, interrupted by pandemic concerns and home isolation. We’re not going to dwell on those though, there are still events happening and it’s good to focus on those!

Weekend walks and garden gawking

Beautiful Buffalo summers, wandering from garden to garden, admiring gardeners’ creativity, adding to your horticultural knowledge, and meeting neighbors (even across town) is a great way to spend a summer day.

Gardeners and volunteers work for months to plan and host these events, and your attendance and support is truly appreciated. The events are safely outdoors, and not crowded. Please bring and be ready to wear masks, practice physical distancing, don’t touch anything in the gardens, and don’t dwell in gardens. Many gardeners and visitors are in the age-risk categories, and one never knows what underlying health issues others have. No one wants to risk anyone else’s health!

There are four regional garden tours you can attend. The Samuel P. Capen Garden Walk  Lockport in Bloom  and the Town of Amherst Garden Walk are all slated to happen on the same weekend – Saturday July, 11 (Lockport is two days and will be on Sunday, July 12, also).

The City of Tonawanda Garden Walk has moved its date from July to Friday (evening tour) and Saturday, August 21 & 22.

To find out more on each of these tours – visit our Calendar page.

Open Gardens on Thursdays and Fridays in July

One of the region’s most unique tours is our Open Gardens on Thursdays and Fridays in July. In its 10th year, this tour has become a nice casual way to visit 70-some, select, exceptional gardens throughout Erie and Niagara Counties – from Gasport to Orchard Park, and Buffalo to East Aurora – divided into 12 clusters. The gardens are open for select hours (some go into the evening!) and you’ll have five chances to visit each garden! 

There are three ways to get a guide. At select garden centers you can find a guide for a $10 donation (find the list here). With a $20 donation here, one can be mailed to your home. There’s also a smartphone app for $4.99 found wherever you buy your apps.

Virtual Garden Events

Garden Walk Williamsville organizers are debuting a virtual format, providing you the ability to view social media videos and photographs. The Northwest Buffalo Tour of Gardens was last working on ways to still hold their tour (July 17 & 18) in addition to a “Virtual NWBTOG”.

Garden Walk Buffalo, America’s largest garden tour, along with The East Side Garden Walk are teaming up to present “Buffalo Garden Views: Sharing in July.” Every day in July will have something to do - front yard suggested walks, live interviews with garden pros (you can ask questions!), articles and blog interviews with gardeners, video interview of gardeners in gardens, interviews with area green groups, merchandise to purchase, games and giveaways. To find out more, visit BuffaloGardenViews.com.

Whether online or in person, there are many ways to enjoy Buffalo Niagara’s creative and gracious gardeners and their gardens. Your participation makes these events worthwhile and successful. The gardeners would love a visit, to have you like and share posts, and most of all, increase your joy by visiting gardens one way or another – and stay healthy!

Jim Charlier is co-author of Buffalo Style Gardens: Create a Quirky, One-of-a-Kind Private Garden with Eye-Catching Designs, a garden blogger at ArtofGardening.org, a garden speaker and photographer. He is an art director for the design firm JCharlier Communication Design. He is also Gardens Buffalo Niagara VP & Marketing Chair.

Jim Charlier