Lunenfeld Beautification Grant Awardee: Elmwood Village Association


With the goal of creating beauty on street level, the Elmwood Village Association (EVA is one of this year’s Lunenfeld Beautification Grant recipients.

The grant will help tree pit clean up and purchasing hanging plants. By enhancing Elmwood with well-kept plants, they hope to help spread appreciation and pride within the community.

Eighty tree pits were mulched and planted throughout the village. Evergreens were selected for the pits for their four-season interest. Branches can be added to the pits during the winter months to brighten up the area all year long. One pit even includes some herbs as a small nod to the Bidwell Farmers Market. Since this is a heavy traffic area, petunias were selected for the hanging baskets due to their durability. Twenty-four bright pink and white flower-filled baskets can be found lining Elmwood Avenue.

In 2019, EVA is celebrating its 25th anniversary alongside Garden Walk Buffalo. To celebrate, in partnership with Urban Roots Cooperative Garden Center, EVA business owners in the neighborhood will be given pre-packaged plantings that can easily be placed outside of their buildings. If a business owner is not able to participate a volunteer can help! If interested in getting involved with the EVA, volunteer information can be found by visiting

Lunenfeld Beautification Grants, named for Garden Walk Buffalo founder Marvin Lunenfeld, were founded in 2015. Nearly $100,000 in micro grants have been given to more than 100 beautification projects in the footprint of Garden Walk Buffalo. A list of past and current Lunenfeld Beautification Grant recipients can be found here.

Lunenfeld Beautification Grant applications are accepted beginning in the Fall each year, with a deadline of late February. Winners are announced in the early spring of that year at a Garden Walk Buffalo public meeting. For eligibility details and directions, visit here. For more information on the grants, email


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